Monday, May 12, 2008

Re-Emerging Nazi Movement in Canada

As Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (Christian) stated in his recent speech to Canadians, Canada is starting to look like Nazi Germany in the 1930's. Anti-Zionist, goose stepping Jew hating elements in the left wing (godless Nazis) are criticizing Israel. The birthplace of OUR beloved and sacred Jesus Christ! Israel is our greatest friend and partner that we MUST defend from THE Muslims at all costs! Israel has the right to defend itself using ANY AND ALL MEANS! If that means dropping cluster bombs on Muslim civilian targets or bulldozing the homes of suspected terrorists, their families, or any place they may seek refuge, then so be it. To criticize, is to fall in line with the liberal Nazis in Canada. There is NO middle ground. It is up to us (Judeo-Christians) to secure the Holy Land from the godless herd of Muslims and their sympathizers, the new-age godless Nazis. Listen up Liberal Party, NDP, and BQ! Your goose stepping days are nearly over! Prime Minster Harper has clearly laid out Canada's vision and priority. We put our complete, undying support behind the state of Israel. This is not the side we chose. It is the side that God chose for us. Those following false Gods like Mohammad, rest in Hell with your twenty virgins. But, before that, enjoy what ever sliver of land that we decide you should have. It is God's land. It is OUR God's land. We sit as his side, and dispense his will and justice. To criticize Israel is criticize God's will and justice. And like the Nazis, you (Muslims and left wing supporters) will be struck down. History will repeat itself! Together, we can stop the left wing in Canada from pursuing another Holocaust!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Worthy of Execution

From The Province newspaper Opinion section, December 7, 2007:

If Robert Latimer had used the family shotgun to dispose of his disabled daughter 14 years ago, rather than gassing here, there would have been a public outcry. And he would have been condemned by public opinion.

The public would also be calliong for more useless Liberal gun control. But at least Latimer wouldn't continually be in the news.

What should have happened to himn after he was found guilty of his daughter's murder?

He should have been executed.

James Charles, Langley, BC

TWO big thumbs up to James from the conservative Bible Belt of the Fraser Valley! We MUST kill these killers. Kill them before they kill again! Kill them to bring satisfaction to their victims and families. Kill them to bring satisfaction to the Almighty God and Jesus Christ our Savior. If they live by the sword, murder by the sword, then they must die by the sword!

Help us bring back capital punishment! Like James, send letters to editorials. Post online. Discuss it with others. Write your MP. ACT NOW! Together we can bring back the hangman and his noose to the Canadian justice system. Many senior members of the Canadian federal conservative party have, both privately and publically, supported bringing back the death penalty. With a little gentle Christian prodding from the lambs of God, we can get back to killing these killers. Works in the US, why not here.

I have organized an informal group through my church with the pastor to pray for the reinstatement of the death penalty. We meet bimonthly for our prayer vigil. Only a few dozen of us, but growing (few new good people join every month) . The pastor's wife is reaching out to the women folk in the community to join us. Together, we can eradicate the sinners from God's society. From our society.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Harper Strikes Gold

Harper and the Conservative Party of Canada have struck gold. The colour of wheat. The Saskatchewan Party were swept in as the new majority provincial government of Saskatchewan on November 7, 2007. The left wing extreme NDP party, under Lorne Calvert, was trounced as voters rejected another four years of failure. The Saskatchewan Party, a right wing party with connections to the federal conservatives, has promised to strike a much more amicable relationship with Ottawa. Premier-designate Brad Wall said Thursday he will not commit to continuing the previous government's legal action against Ottawa over the equalization formula (1). As a "have" province, Saskatchewan no longer needs equalization payments. In 2008, the payments will be zero. Sounds bad, but the Saskatchewan economy is booming. The roads are paved with gold.

And, the new Saskatchewan government is going to opt out of the wheat board dispute (2). This debate is best left to Ottawa and the Wheat Board, and not provincial minions. Besides, the Wheat Board is doomed for failure. It is anti-democratic and anti-free enterprise. Our neighbours and friends to the south of us must see this as some archaic remnant of communism. A failure and silly idea.

Why does this sort of this thing always "crop up" in Saskatchewan. First it was Medicare. Doomed from the beginning, socialized medicine would in later generations threaten Canada's economy as provincial governments came under intense financial pressure to pay the bills that increase exponentially every year. A failure and silly idea. Too late to totally scrap, but perhaps under a more free enterprise-driven provincial and federal governments, a more fair two tier system can be introduced that meets the demands of all while reducing waiting times. It has been shown to work well in other countries. So, why not Canada. So, why not under the tutelage of the New Government of Canada.

With right wing or right-of-centre governments now in full and absolute control of the Western provinces (with the Eastern provinces like Ontario and Quebec starting to fall in like dominoes), we begin to see the emergence of a new sociopolitical movement in Canada that will be historical and unprecedented since the glory years of the old Progressive Conservative Party of Canada under then Prime Minister Brian Mulroney. It took some years, but the right is reunited under Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his conservatives. Our conservatives.

So, to all in Saskatchewan, welcome aboard the blue train. There's gold in thar hills - or at least, in thar fields of wheat and barley. Canada's bread basket, and Canada's new leader for a market driven economy based on free enterprise rather than dated and irrelevant socialist principles.

Quebec Turns a Corner and Makes a Right Turn

Quebec has turned a corner in its political future, making an about turn to the right. Towards the right wing. A poll conducted by Ipsos-Reid between November 6th and 8th, 2007, has our Tories and the Bloc Quebecois tied at 31% (1). The once (so-called) mighty Bloc Quebecois (BQ) and Parte Quebecois (PQ) are in disarray and floundering as their values are no longer shared or tolerated by Quebec. A wave of 'new' federalism is sweeping across Quebec. The old ways of the BQ and PQ are irrelevent. We are seeing a resurgence of the Canadian nationalism in Quebec that we have not seen since the days of Mulroney when Canada stood proud and united both on the national stage and World stage. Not Canada and Quebec. Canada! Oh Canada; inclusive of the ten provinces and three territories. As the current Conservative government has said on a number of occaisons, "the Bloc Quebecois are no longer relevant."

What does this mean for Quebec? Nothing but good news. Under a conservative majority government, Quebec will prosper. Quebec will maintain the veil of sovereignty, but will be a equal partner in confederation with the other provinces and territories as it was meant to be. Quebec's new partnership with Canada brings benefits to Quebec. Now, you have voice in Ottawa. A voice that represents your best interests and listens to you. A singular voice that will resound in the halls of Parliament for generations. The conservatives have been listening to Quebec, and understand your needs and values more so than any other federalist party, and are light years ahead of the irrelevant BQ or PQ. The last Quebec election and last Federal by election shows Quebec (and the rest of Canada) that the federal Conservative party has Quebec's best interests at heart - a throwback to the glory years under the Honorable Brian Mulroney. Quebec can feel safe in knowing that many of those people in Mulroney's administration are now actively working in the Harper administration.