Friday, December 7, 2007

Worthy of Execution

From The Province newspaper Opinion section, December 7, 2007:

If Robert Latimer had used the family shotgun to dispose of his disabled daughter 14 years ago, rather than gassing here, there would have been a public outcry. And he would have been condemned by public opinion.

The public would also be calliong for more useless Liberal gun control. But at least Latimer wouldn't continually be in the news.

What should have happened to himn after he was found guilty of his daughter's murder?

He should have been executed.

James Charles, Langley, BC

TWO big thumbs up to James from the conservative Bible Belt of the Fraser Valley! We MUST kill these killers. Kill them before they kill again! Kill them to bring satisfaction to their victims and families. Kill them to bring satisfaction to the Almighty God and Jesus Christ our Savior. If they live by the sword, murder by the sword, then they must die by the sword!

Help us bring back capital punishment! Like James, send letters to editorials. Post online. Discuss it with others. Write your MP. ACT NOW! Together we can bring back the hangman and his noose to the Canadian justice system. Many senior members of the Canadian federal conservative party have, both privately and publically, supported bringing back the death penalty. With a little gentle Christian prodding from the lambs of God, we can get back to killing these killers. Works in the US, why not here.

I have organized an informal group through my church with the pastor to pray for the reinstatement of the death penalty. We meet bimonthly for our prayer vigil. Only a few dozen of us, but growing (few new good people join every month) . The pastor's wife is reaching out to the women folk in the community to join us. Together, we can eradicate the sinners from God's society. From our society.